Phone Number: 02392 639933
Bolde Close, Copnor Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5RD
At JKM Motor Services Ltd we focus on providing an exceptional garage service with competitive pricing for all.
We have 3 fully equipped workshop bays alongside our own on site M.O.T testing facility (Class 4) enabling us to offer complete total car services challenging most main dealers! JKM have extensive fault diagnostic capabilities for both mechanical and electrical issues thanks in part to our array of diagnostics equipment alongside highly experienced and trained staff.
5:00am - 6:30am
Early riser? Finishing your nightshift? Can't sleep? Whatever the reason you're awake before everyone else, set sail into the new day with Ben.
Sean's Safe Space is a mental health service at C2U on the High Street in Gosport catering to anyone over 18 needing mental health support.
James Donougher a.ka theportsmouthfoodguide talks about his business start up and recommends some local eateries