Phone Number: 02392479863
10f Solent Trade Park, Havant, PO91JH
The place to buy Cordless and lightweight Dysons
Dyson Repairs and Servicing
Dyson Spares and Accessories
Latest Dyson Offers
Hundreds of Reconditioned Dysons from only £79
Both domestic and commercial customers have been coming to us since 2008 for consistently good service
for their Dyson repairs and servicing.
We are notorious on the South Coast for quality Dyson repairs, Dyson spares and accessories, and of course reconditioned Dysons.
12 Month guarantee on all reconditioned Dysons and repairs.
8:00am - 11:00am
Musical features and a look ahead to what's happening in and around Pompey this weekend, together with the latest sport and travel news.
11:00am - 2:00pm
Sailing you through the day with great songs, Portsmouth people and the latest on the roads.
Mimi Rae joined Ian James on Express Breakfast to catch up and discuss her latest single.
Clare Poole is fundraising to open a cat cafe in Portsmouth. She also addresses some of the controversy around the plans in her chat with Paul Marsh.