Portsmouth City Council has unveiled site plans for a new leisure centre for Bransbury Park to support greener and healthier living.
The new centre will bring sports and swimming facilities together in a modern and environmentally friendly hub at Bransbury Park. The council is also working with the NHS to look into potentially providing a new GP surgery as part of the development.
A survey was conducted about the planned centre in March 2022, in which 94% of respondents said they would be ‘likely’ or ‘very likely’ to use the leisure centre.
The council have now launched another survey for residents to have their say on the plans before they move to the planning permission stage. The survey is available at https://www.research.net/r/BransburyParkWeb and is open until midnight on Sunday March 26th.
There are two site plan proposals - one with a GP surgery and one without - with the proposals including artists impressions to provide a sense of size and scale.
The plans don’t involve a loss of any existing grass areas, with exception to a small amount that would have ‘grasscrete’ in order to increase the size of the car park. The final landscaping and layout will be issued with the planning application later in the year.
Cllr Steve Pitt, Portsmouth City Council's Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure & Economic Development, said: "I'm pleased that we now have plans that we can share with the community and are providing an opportunity for residents to have their say on them, before we go to planning.
"Hopefully, residents will see that we've listened to their concerns around losing green space and facilities, and around parking issues, because our site plans show an increase in the size of the car park and an extended three-hour parking zone, the retention of the grass pitches, the gardens, the miniature railway and free to use external courts, and will provide a sports and swimming facility for people to enjoy healthier and happier lives."