The Where’s Your Head At campaign is pushing for mental health to be supported and protected in the workplace.
Signing of the manifesto highlights support for workplace mental health, and this has been supported by many other Conservative MPs.
This is also in support of 4 changes of legislation. Such changes are amending the Health and Safety First-Aid Regulations Act so that first aid obligations extend to mental health, amending the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Act to cover incidents of mental health, amendment of the Equality Act to include fluctuating mental health and to require ‘positive action’ on part of the employer to understand if someone has a mental health condition at the time of employment.
To sign up to the #WheresYourHeadAt campaign and sign the Workplace Manifesto, please visit http://www.wheresyourheadat.org/manifesto/.
Local MP Caroline Dinenage said of the campaign: “Mental Health is such an important issue in today’s society, having a detrimental effect on many people’s lives. Tackling this is do important, it will allow people to fulfil their potential and alleviate the £99 billion cost of poor mental health to the UK economy every year.
“That is why I am supporting the #WheresYourHeadAt campaign, who are pushing for greater support for mental health within the workplace environment. I would strongly recommend that all employers sign up to the Workplace Manifesto, helping to ensure that poor mental health as a result of the workplace is eradicated.”