Thousands of pensioners on lower incomes are getting a £100 boost from Portsmouth City Council over the next few weeks.
The money is designed to help older people with rising energy costs.
It comes from the government's household support fund, which is given to local councils to distribute.
People do not need to apply for the payment. The council has identified who is eligible and is writing to them, explaining the payment and how it will be made.
More than 6,000 Portsmouth households are eligible for a payment and are being contacted.
They are households:
who were receiving pension credit and/or council tax support on 31 May 2022, and
where the claimant or their partner will be over 66 on 30 September 2022
Each household will receive one payment of £100.
Cllr Suzy Horton, the council's Deputy Leader, said: "More and more Portsmouth people are feeling the effects of the current rises in the cost of living. The council is targeting support to groups of residents who are likely to struggle the most.
"This money will give a bit of much-needed help to older people on lower incomes. There's no need to apply for it – just look out for a letter from the council, which you will receive if you're eligible."
The council is using household support funding in other ways too. Last month, thousands of families who receive free school meals were given a £75 supermarket food voucher.
The council is also distributing money from the household support fund to foodbanks, community meal groups and community pantries. It is also working with local charities and other groups to help people known to those organisations who are struggling with the cost of living.
Separately from the household support fund, the council has been providing free holiday activities for families over the summer with the HAF Fun Pompey scheme. For more information, families can see www.pycportsmouth.co.uk/haffunpompey
The council is also highlighting free money advice and support available to local people. This can help residents save money, deal with debt and make sure they're receiving everything they're entitled to. See www.portsmouth.gov.uk/money
To find help with food, including community larders and pantries and food banks, local people can search 'help with food' at www.portsmouth.gov.uk
For advice on how to save energy and cut the cost of gas and electricity bills, residents can visit switchedonportsmouth.co.uk