The Pompey Big Build is to rally support from the community to help complete the final stages of their new, life-changing facility where the youth of Portsmouth can thrive, develop and feel they belong.
The envelope will be complete soon, so the building shell will be complete and the building dry; Pompey ITC now need to get it fitted out and finished. Therefore, they are putting out a call for tradespeople and volunteers to help us finish our community project.
The John Jenkins Stadium, the new community hub will become a central hub for the community – for people to train, learn, play and, most importantly, belong and grow. The John Jenkins Stadium will be a home to the youth of Portsmouth where the community group will run projects and programmes for thousands of young people, disability sport groups and members of the public every week, 52 weeks of the year.
The stadium will also continue to be home to Moneyfields FC and will be a new home for Portsmouth FC Women.
Pompey In The Community are asking for help "fitting out the interior of the building; toilets, changing rooms, boxing gym, dance studio, café, and offices as well as landscaping exterior areas. Can you help us? Donating materials? Offering your services? Computers for the learning suites? We also have sponsorship and naming rights available for all aspects of the stadium.
We are also need fundraisers and volunteers to help us so if you can think of a way to get involved then contact us today by scanning the QR code, or this link, https://forms.office.com/e/raTxEKyuiF which will link to a page where you can make your pledge. For more information about how you can be a part of this exciting project email us at pompeybigbuild@pompeyitc.org.uk or call our office number 02392 728899."