Wednesday, 29 April 2020 - 50 minutes
Robbie speaks to Cllr Steve Pitt (Portsmouth City Counil) to get an update on the supply of PPE in Portsmouth, Dr Alice Good (University of Portsmouth) about the beneifts of social media, Henry Deacon about local sport & we find out how members of our community are getting creative to bring joy to others in lockdown.
10:00am - 1:00pm
Gordon Hendricks one of the worlds leading Elvis tributes who is at the Portsmouth Guildhall with his Kings Voice show. Lou Whitmore of Love Southsea joins Paul in the studio to look at what you can get up to this weekend, Cinema guide, Little Buccaneers' Brain Busters, Loud @ Lunchtime
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Whether you’re working, on the move or spending the afternoon at home, Lana is here to get you through the day with great tunes and friendly chat!
Andy Fawcett joined Simon from Hipshaker and Jon Brown.
Lloyd Attrill joined Simon from Hipshaker and Jon Brown