Thursday, 8 February 2024 - 24 minutes
Formed in 1974, the aim of HGS is to promote and encourage the study of family history for members with Hampshire roots or who live within the county.
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Whether you’re working, on the move or spending the afternoon at home, Lana is here to get you through the day with great tunes and friendly chat!
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Steering you home with the latest travel news alongside great music and fun. Put your feet up with Tea at 3:30 and play along with the Express Rewind Mystery Year from 4. Driven by Aqua Cars and the Veezu app.
Sean's Safe Space is a mental health service at C2U on the High Street in Gosport catering to anyone over 18 needing mental health support.
James Donougher a.ka theportsmouthfoodguide talks about his business start up and recommends some local eateries