Friday, 8 December 2023 - 57 minutes
Both the men’s and the women’s respective upcoming matches are previewed by Jake Smith, Eric Coleborn, Ian Chiverton and Andrew Barnard.
We also hear from Colin and Di Farmery about Sunday’s Portsmouth Philharmonic Orchestra session celebrating the club’s 125th anniversary. There are exclusive interviews with Hannah Haughton, Jay Sadler and John Mousinho too!
5:00am - 8:00am
Whatever the reason you're awake before everyone else, Victoria brings you great music, friendly chat and all the information you need to set you up for the day ahead in Pompey.
Tring, Co-Owner of The Keppel’s Head Hotel & Mandy Magee, Marketing Manager of The Keppel’s Head Hotel joined Ian James on Express Breakfast.
Lydia Miron Careers and Progression advisor at City of Portsmouth College joined Ian James on Express Breakfast.