Monday, 24 February 2025 - 54 minutes
In the company of Sam Macey and Andrew Barnard, Jake Smith delivers full reaction to Portsmouth’s 2-1 win over Queens Park Rangers.
The rest of the weekend’s Championship action is also assessed by the panel, who provide their thoughts on John Mousinho’s post-match comments too.
5:00am - 6:30am
Early riser? Finishing your nightshift? Can't sleep? Whatever the reason you're awake before everyone else, set sail into the new day with Ben.
6:30am - 10:00am
Start your day the Portsmouth way with great music, fun and games alongside local guests from all walks of life and the latest travel news to guide you through rush hour in the city. Served by Biscoes Solicitors.
Sean's Safe Space is a mental health service at C2U on the High Street in Gosport catering to anyone over 18 needing mental health support.
James Donougher a.ka theportsmouthfoodguide talks about his business start up and recommends some local eateries